- Dropbox to Amazon S3 Syncer — Over on Github https://github.com/redradishtech/dropbox_to_s3_syncer I've published a Docker-based system for syncing a Dropbox folder with a S3 bucket. Drop a file in a designated Dropbox subdirectory, and it is automatically uploaded to S3.
- -Duser.timezone considered harmful, and why your Atlassian server shouldn't be on UTC
- Parsing JIRA JSON dates — strptime code for parsing dates as found in JIRA REST API results.
- PostgreSQL
- Encoding HTML in PostgreSQL — this function is the best way to encode HTML in PostgreSQL
- Temporarily Switching Users in Jira/Confluence — A quick JSP allowing administrators to temporarily take on the identity of a user. Versions for JIRA and Confluence.
- Using database diffs to see what JIRA is doing — This is a small but very, very useful tip. Often there's situations where you need to know what happened in the database, for a particular JIRA operation (or any database-using webapp). This is how you do it.
- Versioning your JIRA and Confluence app directories — I recently published https://hg.sr.ht/~redradishtech/versioned_directories https://hg.sr.ht/~redradishtech/versioned_directories, a script to manage the seemingly trivial task of keeping a /opt/atlassian/jira/current symlink pointing to the correct /opt/atlassian/jira/$version; or more generally, managing a directory containing N versions of something.